
地平线系列:认识自闭症(经典黑白影片现代重制版 )

When pioneering developmental psychologist Professor Uta Frith started her training back in the 1960s, she met a group of beautiful, bright-eyed young children who seemed completely detached from the rest of the world.  It turned out they had just been given the then-new diagnosis of autism. Uta passionately wanted to know more about these children, and they inspired her to dedi...这部影片在情感表达上异常感染力,每个角色的内心挣扎和情感变化都表现得深刻而细腻。尽管有些情节显得过于煽情,但这种真挚的情感依然打动人心。 >>更多关于《地平线系列:认识自闭症(经典黑白影片现代重制版 )》

