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欢聚一堂刘和刚歌词 答案:欢聚一堂庆团圆,歌声飘荡颂平安。亲朋好友心相印,笑语欢声绕耳边。今夜星光灿烂照人间,共谱幸福好时光。梦想起航在今日,携手同行万里长。解释:1. 歌词开篇“欢聚一堂庆团圆”,直接表达了欢聚的快乐和庆祝团圆的主题。2. “歌声飘荡颂平安”表达了通过歌声来颂扬平安、祥和...


因为这将会是段美好时光 Good morning and good night 昼夜交替 I wake up at tilight 霞光中,我醒过来。It's gonna be alright 所有事情都会好起来的 we don't even have to try 无需刻意追求 It's always a good time 这里一直都是好时光 Woah-oh-oh-oh woah-oh-oh-oh (欢呼)*2 It...

good time歌词

每一刻都是好时光 Woke up on the right side of the bed 一觉醒来发现自己躺在床的右边 What's up 不知怎么的 With this Prince song inside my head 脑中突然回想起王子的歌曲 Hands up if you're down to get down tonight 今夜我们来借舞消愁 Cuz it's always a good time 因为每一...

owl city good time中文歌词

因为这永远是快乐时光 Good morning and good night 美好的早晨说晚安 I wake up at twilight 暮色中醒来 It's gonna be alright 一切都会好 We don't even have to try 不用担心 It's always a good time 永远都是快乐时光 Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh It's always a good time 永远...


